Learning through service | Discovering through action
Mission Statement
Prepare students to participate in a just and democratic society by
providing experiences in service-learning, civic dialogue, and community
engagement inside and outside the classroom through mutually beneficial
partnerships that inspire a responsibility towards a community, nation, and
Vision Statement
The CCE will be the hub of community-engaged, transformative learning by
cultivating community partnerships and providing immersive opportunities
for students to practice their purpose with passion.
The CCE will engage our mission and vision through:
- Combining of skills, knowledge, values, and action
- Serving through the exchange of knowledge and resources in
mutually-beneficial relationships with community partners - Cultivating reflective learning, servant leadership, and global citizenship
- Embracing difficult and uncomfortable experiences and dialogue that leads
to understanding of different perspectives - Transforming the individual, culture, and community towards the common good
- Acknowledging, understanding and respecting diverse worldviews,
backgrounds, and perspectives
For information or questions contact the Center for Civic Engagement
540-665-4863 | serve@5dexam.com
Brandt Student Center, Room 119